My twitter feed is full of moaning this morning, mainly by people who are not Garth Brooks fans moaning about people who are.
We seem to have an issue in this country whereby people judge others for the simple sin of not conforming to their narrow definition of what is being acceptable. It’s a problem, and it’s writ high in the reaction to the Garth Brooks concerts. He’s just sold out three nights in Croke Park.
To put that into context, so have One Direction.
So there are a lot of Garth Brooks fans about. Given that he doesn’t, compared to One Direction, get that much air play on most of the radio stations here, and hasn’t played here for quite a while, in music business terms, that’s quite the achievement.
My twitter feed is full of people who have:
- never heard of Garth Brooks
- if they have, are dismissing concert purchasers as culchies
- dismissing concert goers as lacking class and intelligence
- suggesting they’d be better off spending their money on 2 or 3 bands which are less famous shall we say.
- despaired for Ireland because Garth Brooks has sold out 3 nights in the biggest concert venue in the country
All this misses one major point. There are people out there – approximately 200,000 of them – who have done a quality/price assessment and decided Garth Brooks is worth the money. Good luck to them. They are out to enjoy themselves.
So motivation – Out to Enjoy themselves.
The moaners, the complainers are not. They are out to put people down, judge them, be nasty. It’s sad if that’s what constitutes enjoying themselves, but hey…this is Ireland. You’d never get on with living your own life and let other people live theirs right?
And yet, I think the whole idea of living and let live is likely to result in more happiness than bargying on about how stupid Garth Brooks fans are for queuing for tickets. It’s just a pity not enough people realise it sometimes
declaration of interest: I own no Garth Brooks CDs, no One Direction CDs (although you should watch this by the way) and I have tickets for neither concert and tried to get tickets for neither concert. I really just wish people would focus on what makes them happy rather than complaining about other people making themselves happy.